Learning Groups
Our pods are divided into three levels: Grades K-1, 2-4, and 5-7. Upon enrollment, students will be placed in a pod. Because we are totally skills and ability focused, this is the only time “grade level” will be a factor for our tutoring pods. Within each pod, students will be grouped according to their needs and abilities to work on various skills throughout the year. Pod placement and small group placement within the pods will be very fluid, allowing students to move into higher or lower level instruction as needed at any time during the school year.
Grades 1-2
Upon arriving, students unpack their belongings, eat an optional healthy snack, and join their classmates for independent play or STEM bins. After students have had time to connect with each other, we come together on the rug for our morning Circle Time. During this time, we read poems and books, discuss the calendar, read a morning message from the tutor/teacher, share thoughts, sing songs, and discuss our plans for the day. This first part of our morning intertwines social development along with academics.
After our morning meeting, we transition into our Phonics/Reading time. To start our lesson, a short phonics lesson is taught to the whole class. Each lesson contains an alphabet activity, phonemic awareness practice, letter/sound review, a mini lesson that teaches a new concept, spelling practice, and closing activity. Students also meet in small reading groups to allow for individualized instruction and to practice previously taught concepts. Each group contains
4-6 students who are working on the same learning goals. The groups change throughout the year as students learn and mature in their reading skills. The levels range from learning the alphabet and building phonemic awareness skills to fluency and word attack skills. Writing is woven into our Language Arts and thematic units each week, so students can practice using their phonics skills and create good writing habits, such as finger spacing, capitalization, and punctuation.
We transition into play centers, recess, and lunch for our mid-day break.
The afternoon kicks off with math class, which is centered around a real-world project. After introducing and practicing new concepts, students work on a project. The projects are fun, engaging, and applied to real-life scenarios, while helping them review and learn multiple learning objectives at once. Each project is broken into 3-4 levels, so that each student is working at a level that fits them best. The most rewarding part is that students get to apply what they are learning to a real-world scenario as they interact and engage with each other.
We then move into a hands-on, thematic unit that will cover Nature Studies, Social Studies, Science, and Art. Themes may include beekeeping, botany, agriculture, sustainable farming, beaver dams, community helpers, geography, etc. We study topics for several weeks, so students are given the opportunity to 'dive deeper' into their learning and explore through different activities.
We then wrap up our day with a class reflection time where students can express appreciation for each other. We close our day with "looking ahead" announcements, so students know what to expect for the next pod day.
Grades 2-4
As students come into the classroom, they will unpack their belongings and begin working on a warm-up activity. Students may choose between STEM bins, educational puzzles, brief art projects, Lego challenges, and more to begin their day. Once everyone has arrived, we’ll have a brief morning meeting to discuss the day ahead and learn more about our classmates.
After our morning meeting, we’ll begin our Reading and Language Arts studies. We’ll focus on our word-attack skills to improve our fluency, comprehension, and confidence in reading. Students will have the ability to work in teacher-led small groups as well as reading and writing centers around the room. This time will also allow students to work on writing projects to improve handwriting, grammar, and spelling skills.
Next, we will break for lunch and recess with our friends in the K-1 pod. We may eat indoors or outside by the playground, depending on the weather. From there, we will return to our classroom for more learning.
After lunch we’ll begin our math block where our focus will be on various mathematical learning standards throughout the year. We will often use real life project-based learning within our pod to allow students to practice and improve their math skills in a more relevant and meaningful way. Our math block may also include teacher-led small group workshops and math centers to
work on more specific mathematical skills throughout the school year.
Towards the end of the day, we’ll have a time dedicated to special projects and hands-on
learning. These will be directly related to topics we are learning about in either math or reading,
but will give students more time for exploration, discovery, and group projects. Finally, we will
wrap up our day with a brief reflection time and pack up for dismissal.
Grades 5-7
Our new pod for upper grades has been created to further support our Founding Families’ older students in grades five through seven. This limited-size pod aims to bolster independence, confidence, and essential foundational skills crucial to a smooth transition for the homeschooler’s middle and high school years. Our curriculum will include remedial teaching to fill any gaps in understanding of Reading/Language Arts and Math skills. We will also read a captivating novel study each semester, study business math basics, and complete weekly journal writing assignments. The small group setting will allow us the flexibility to revisit and reinforce key concepts as needed, for a more individualized tutoring experience.
But that’s not all! To help peak these older students’ interest and engagement, we will also be exploring exciting subjects like life skills, art, and Appalachian history. These hands-on enrichment lessons might include activities like comparing methods of growing and preserving food, creating stunning eggshell mosaics, and unraveling the fascinating history of Tennessee’s statehood. Academic expectations for older students is stressful enough; we want learning in this pod to be meaningful and fun! Once all Founding Families have registered, availability for this class will be publicly announced.